1. The main function of the power conversation system, also called secondary system, is to convert the thermal energy from the steam generators to mechanical energy, in turn, electrical energy.
1. 能量转换系统也称为二回路系统,其主要功能就是将SG的热能转化为机械能,然后转化为电能。
2. The power conversion system begins in the shell side of the steam generator (s) where the incoming feedwater is boiled as it picks up heat from contacting tube containing hot reactor coolant.
2. 能量转换系统始于SG的壳侧,在这里,进入的给水被热的一回路冷却剂加热。
3. Saturated steam begins in the shell side of the steam generator (s) exits through the steam line and isolation valves and is directed to the highpressure section of the main turbine.
3. 在SG壳侧出口形成饱和的蒸汽,然后通过主蒸汽隔离阀直接进入汽轮机的高压缸。
4. After exiting the high pressure turbine, the low energy, moisture laden steam is routed to a moisture separator reheater where excess moisture is removed and the steam is heated to a new internal energy level.
4. 通过高压缸后,蒸汽的参数降低,并且湿度加大,然后通过汽水分离再热器去除其中的水分,加热使得蒸汽到达一个新的参数。
5. The dry, reheated steam then enters the low pressure turbine。
5. 再热过的蒸气然后进入到汽轮机的低压缸。
6. The high and low pressure turbines mounted on a common shaft which drives the main generator. The generator produces the electrical power which is supplied to the utility’s distribution network or “Grid”.
6. 高压缸、低压缸与发电机是同轴的,发电机产生电能,然后输送到电网。
7. In the condenser, the exhausted steam is condensed by passing over tubes containing plant circulating water and the condensed steam (condensate) is collected in the condenser hotwell.
7. 在凝汽器中,低压缸的乏汽被管侧的循环水冷凝,凝结水被收集在凝汽器的热井中。
8. The condensate is then pumped from the condenser by hotwell pumps which discharge into a common header through the gland steam condenser, the main feed condensers and through three parallel strings of low pressure heaters to the condensate booster pumps.
8. 然后凝结水被水泵加压,通过轴密封冷凝器,主给水冷凝器,三台并列的低压加热器,到达凝升泵。(QNPC不同)9. These booster pumps discharges to the intermediate pressure feedwater heaters, the condensate from these heater is then routed to the main feedwater pumps and then to the high pressure heaters.
9. 凝升泵将水送至中压加热器,然后到主给水泵,再到高压加热器。
10. The feedwater then passes through the feedwater regulating valves and the main feedwater isolation valves to the steam generators where the water is boiled to produce steam and the secondary cycle begins again.
10. 然后给水通过给水调节阀和给水隔离阀,再到SG,给水被加热,开始新的循环。
11. At the exit of each steam generator, a flow restrictor is installed to limit the maximum steam flow (therefore, limiting the rate of reactor coolant system cooling) during s steam line break downstream of the flow restrictor.
11. 在SG的二次侧出口处设置有流量限制器用来限制之后的管道发生MSLB时的最大蒸气流量(从而限制了一回路的冷却速率)12. On each steam line, a power operated relief valves is provided to prevent reaching the safety valve setpoint during transient and to dissipate reactor decay heat to the atmosphere if the normal heat sink (main condenser) is not available and several code safety valves act as backup to the power operated relieves to dissipate decay heat to the atmosphere.
12. 在每个主蒸汽管道设置有大气释放阀,用于在电站发生瞬态时凝汽器不可用时将衰变热排至大气,防止蒸气压力到达安全阀的动作定值。另外有几个安全阀作为排放蒸汽的备用。