1. The reactor coolant pump provides sufficient forced circulation flow to ensure adequate heat transfer.
1. 主泵提供足够的强迫循环流量,以保证有充分的热传递能力。
2. The reactor coolant pump is vertical, single stage, centrifugal pump to pump large volumes of reactor coolant at high temperature and pressure.
2. 主泵为立式,单级离心泵,大流量,能承受高温、高压。
3. The pump consists of three sections from bottom to top: the hydraulic section, the shaft seal section and the motor section.
3. 主泵由三个部分组成(由下而上):水力部件,轴密封部件和电机部件。
4. The hydraulic section consists of the inlet and outlet nozzles, casing, flange, impeller, diffuser, pump shaft, pump bearing, thermal barrier and thermal barrier heat exchanger.
4. 水力部件由以下组成:出入口管,壳体,法兰,叶轮,导叶,泵轴,泵轴承,热屏和热屏热交换器。
5. The shaft seal section consists of the number one, controlled leakage seal and the number two and three rubbing face seals. These seals are located within the main flange and seal housing.
5. 轴密封组件由一级,控制泄漏密封和二、三级机械密封组成。这些密封位于主法兰和密封壳里。
6. The motor section consists of a vertical, squirrel cage; induction motor with an oil lubricated double Kingsbury thrust bearing, two oil lubricated radial bearings, a flywheel and help establish natural circulation.
6. 电机部件包括一个立式,鼠笼感应式电机,一个油润滑双导向推力轴承,两个油润滑径向轴承,和一个有助于建立自然循环的飞轮。
7. A flywheel extends flow coastdown after a loss of power to maintain flow through the core and appropriate support equipment.
7. 飞轮延长了失电情况下的主泵惰走时间,能延长失电时通过堆芯及其辅助设备的流量供应。
8. An anti-reverse rotation device prevents the pump from turning backwards which would increase core bypass flow and pump starting current.
8. 止逆装置用于防止泵反转,反转将导致堆芯旁通流量增加和泵启动电流增加。
9. Shaft sealing is accomplished by a film riding controlled leakage seal with a backup rubbing face seal.
9. 轴密封原理是控制通过机械密封动静环之间的水膜泄漏来完成密封的。
10. The operation of the seal package assures near zero leakage from reactor coolant system at the reactor coolant pump shaft.
10. 轴密封的运行保证了在主泵轴密封处没有主冷却剂的泄漏。
11. Seal water injection through the thermal barrier heat exchanger cools and lubricates the seal and pump bearing.
11. 通过热屏热交换器的轴密封水对密封和轴承起到冷却和润滑作用。
12.Cooling for the motor bearing and barrier heat exchanger is from the component cooling water system.
12. 冷却电机轴承和热屏热交换器的水来自设备冷却水系统。