Translation Technology ITD Competition
Do you use free software that makes your work more productive or more enjoyable? If so, please send a description of the software, how it benefits you as a translator, and how other translators can obtain a copy. Your name will be entered into a lucky draw organized by the FIT Translation Technology Committee. The information from all submissions will be made available to everyone. The winner will be featured on the FIT website, along with a brief professional profile.
There is no cost to enter the contest. Entrants must belong to a FIT member association and must give the association's name and their own contact information. The contest begins on International Translation Day (30 September) and the deadline for submitting entries is Friday, 3 December 2010. Entries must be sent in the body of an e-mail to FITtrantech@gmail.com. The winner will be announced in January 2011.
Help other translators and perhaps win a moment of glory for yourself!
Alan Melby
Chair: FIT Translation Technology Committee
来源: 中国翻译协会
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