3. 2. 5. 1 Supervision offer, construction supervision service charges of this project should cover all expenses required by tendering engineering range and project management matters entrusted stipulated in Article 1 in the notice. Construction supervision service charges are subject to engineering construction supervision costs in basic design rough calculation approved by China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation.
3.2.5. 2本招标项目监理收费按批准概算相对应的费用降点结算。 Project management expenses in the tender should be calculated in accordance with the corresponding dropped points of costs in approved rough calculation.
施工监理服务费=施工监理服务收费基准价x(l -优惠费率)
Construction supervision service costs = standard price of construction supervision service costs x ( 1 - privileged rate)按照后附表格式填写监理报价。
3. 2. 5. 3 Supervision offer is filled out in according to the form attached.
3.2. 5.4本工程投标报价所采用的币种为人民币。
3. 2. 5.4 The currency used in the bid offer for the project is RMB.
3.3 Validity of the Bid
3.3.1在投标人须知前附表规定的投标有效期内,投标人不得要求撤销或修改其 投标文件
3.3.1 In the validity of the bid regulated in the pre-attached table of the instruction to the bidder, the bidder cannot request to repeal or modify their bidding document.
3.3.2 When the validity of the bid is required to be postponed due to special cases, the tenderer and the tendering agency shall inform the prolongation of the validity of the bid to all bidders in written form. When the bidder agrees to postpone the validity of the bid, the validity of the bid security shall be postponed correspondingly, but their bidding document cannot be requested or allowed to be modified or repealed ; and when the bidder refuses to postpone the validity of the bid,the bid becomes invalid, but the bidder has the right to take back the bid security.
3.4. 1 When the bidder submits the bidding document, the bid security shall be submitted in accordance with the amount and the guarantee form prescribed in the pre-attached table of the instruction to the bidder, and shall become a part of the bidding document.
3.4.2投标人不按本章第3.4. 1项要求提交投标保证金的,其投标文件作废标 处理。
3. 4. 2 If the bidder does not submit the bid security as per Item 3.4.1 of this chapter, the bid document shall be treated as a nullified bid.
3. 4. 3 Within 5 working days after signing contracts with the successful bidder, the tenderer and the tendering agency shall return the bid security to the unsuccessful bidder and the successful bidder.
3.4.4 If one of the following cases happens, the bid security shall not be returned:
(1) 投标人在规定的投标有效期内撤销或修改其投标文件;
(1 ) The bidder repeals or modifies the bidding document in the prescribed bid validity ;
(2) 中标人在收到中标通知书后,无正当理由拒签合同协议书或未按招标文件规 定提交履约担保5。
(2) The successful bidder refuses to sign the contract agreement without any justifiable reason or does not submit performance guarantee as per the provisions in the bidding documents after receiving the bid-winning notice.
(3) 签订合同时提出更改招标文件或投标文件实质性内容的;
(3 ) The successful bidder proposes to modify the tendering document or the substantive content of the bidding document when signing the contract ;
(4) The bidder does not follow the confidentiality undertaking in the prescribed period ;
(5) 投标人拒绝接受招标人按本须知相关规定进行错误修正后的投标价格;
(5) The bidder refuses to accept the bidding price modified by the tenderer as per the relevant provisions of this instruction ;
(6) 提供虚假资信材料的;
(6) The bidder provides false credit materials;
(7) 与他人串通投标、哄抬标价的;
(7) The bidder colludes with other persons to bid or bid up the bidding price;
(8) 在招标过程中有其他违规行为或未遵守本招标文件的其他有关规定的。
(8 ) The bidder has other unlawful practices or does not follow other relevant provisions in the tendering document in the tendering process.